by keedokes | Jul 8, 2020 | CSA, Delivery, Farm, Recipes, Summer
Since all of the CSA members are here living within 75 miles of us, they’re all aware of the crazy heat we’re experiencing. We’ve got nearly 100 degree days and have had them for a week, and it doesn’t show signs of stopping. The one saving...
by keedokes | Jul 1, 2020 | CSA, Delivery, Recipes, Summer
Well folks, this is the week it all caught up to us. Starting in late February, we made our soil blocks and set our seed trays under the lights we set up in the dining room. The new kitten this year decided that it was a lovely place to go to the bathroom. After we...
by keedokes | Jun 24, 2020 | Chickens, Critters, CSA, Delivery, Farm, Food, Recipes, Summer
In critter news this week, we’ve hatched out more chicks! Our last hatch had Silver Grey Dorkings and Icelandics in it, hatched from white eggs. Most of the white eggs you get in your share are from one of these two breeds here. You have to be very careful when...
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